
Tire provides rich and comfortable Ruby API for the Elasticsearch search engine/database.

Elasticsearch is a scalable, distributed, cloud-ready, highly-available full-text search engine and database, communicating by JSON over RESTful HTTP, based on Lucene, written in Java.

Tire is open source, and you can download or clone the source code from https://github.com/karmi/tire.

By following these instructions you should have the search running on a sane operating system in less then 10 minutes.

Note, that this file can be executed directly:

ruby -I lib examples/tire-dsl.rb


Install Tire with Rubygems:

gem install tire
require 'rubygems'

Tire uses the multi_json gem as a generic JSON library. We want to use the yajl-ruby gem in its full on mode here.

require 'yajl/json_gem'

Now, let’s require the Tire gem itself, and we’re ready to go.

require 'tire'


We’ll need a working and running Elasticsearch server, of course. Thankfully, that’s easy.

( puts <<-"INSTALL" ; exit(1) ) unless (RestClient.get('http://localhost:9200') rescue false)

 [ERROR] You don’t appear to have Elasticsearch installed. Please install and launch it with the following commands:

 curl -k -L -o elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz http://github.com/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz
 tar -zxvf elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz
 ./elasticsearch-0.20.2/bin/elasticsearch -f

Storing and indexing documents

Let’s initialize an index named “articles”.

Tire.index 'articles' do

To make sure it’s fresh, let’s delete any existing index with the same name.


And then, let’s create it.


We want to store and index some articles with title, tags and published_on properties. Simple Hashes are OK. The default type is „document”.

  store :title => 'One',   :tags => ['ruby'],           :published_on => '2011-01-01'
  store :title => 'Two',   :tags => ['ruby', 'python'], :published_on => '2011-01-02'

We usually want to set a specific type for the document in Elasticsearch. Simply setting a type property is OK.

  store :type => 'article',
        :title => 'Three',
        :tags => ['java'],
        :published_on => '2011-01-02'

We may want to wrap your data in a Ruby class, and use it when storing data. The contract required of such a class is very simple.

  class Article
    attr_reader :title, :tags, :published_on
    def initialize(attributes={})
      @attributes =  attributes
      @attributes.each_pair { |name,value| instance_variable_set :"@#{name}", value }

It must provide a type, _type or document_type method for propper mapping.

    def type

And it must provide a to_indexed_json method for conversion to JSON.

    def to_indexed_json

Note: Since our class takes a Hash of attributes on initialization, we may even wrap the results in instances of this class; we’ll see how to do that further below.

  article = Article.new :title => 'Four',
                        :tags => ['ruby', 'php'],
                        :published_on => '2011-01-03'

Let’s store the article, now.

  store article

And let’s „force refresh“ the index, so we can query it immediately.


We may want to define a specific mapping for the index.

Tire.index 'articles' do

To do so, let’s just pass a Hash containing the specified mapping to the Index#create method.

  create :mappings => {

Let’s specify for which type of documents this mapping should be used: „article”, in our case.

    :article => {
      :properties => {

Let’s specify the type of the field, whether it should be analyzed, …

        :id       => { :type => 'string', :index => 'not_analyzed', :include_in_all => false },

… set the boost or analyzer settings for the field, etc. The Elasticsearch guide has more information. Don’t forget, that proper mapping is key to efficient and effective search. But don’t fret about getting the mapping right the first time, you won’t. In most cases, the default, dynamic mapping is just fine for prototyping.

        :title    => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'snowball', :boost => 2.0             },
        :tags     => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword'                             },
        :content  => { :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'czech'                               }

Bulk Indexing

Of course, we may have large amounts of data, and adding them to the index one by one really isn’t the best idea. We can use Elasticsearch’s bulk API for importing the data.

So, for demonstration purposes, let’s suppose we have a simple collection of hashes to store.

articles = [

Notice that such objects must have an id property!

  { :id => '1', :type => 'article', :title => 'one',   :tags => ['ruby'],           :published_on => '2011-01-01' },

And, of course, they should contain the type property for the mapping to work!

  { :id => '2', :type => 'article', :title => 'two',   :tags => ['ruby', 'python'], :published_on => '2011-01-02' },
  { :id => '3', :type => 'article', :title => 'three', :tags => ['java'],           :published_on => '2011-01-02' },
  { :id => '4', :type => 'article', :title => 'four',  :tags => ['ruby', 'php'],    :published_on => '2011-01-03' }

We can just push them into the index in one go.

Tire.index 'articles' do
  import articles

Of course, we can easily manipulate the documents before storing them in the index.

Tire.index 'articles' do

… by passing a block to the import method. The collection will be available in the block argument.

  import articles do |documents|

We will capitalize every title and return the manipulated collection back to the import method.

    documents.map { |document| document.update(:title => document[:title].capitalize) }



With the documents indexed and stored in the Elasticsearch database, we can search them, finally.

Tire exposes the search interface via simple domain-specific language.

Simple Query String Searches

We can do simple searches, like searching for articles containing “One” in their title.

s = Tire.search('articles') do
  query do
    string "title:one"

The results: * One [tags: ruby]

s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

Or, we can search for articles published between January, 1st and January, 2nd.

s = Tire.search('articles') do
  query do
    string "published_on:[2011-01-01 TO 2011-01-02]"

The results: * One [published: 2011-01-01] * Two [published: 2011-01-02] * Three [published: 2011-01-02]

s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [published: #{document.published_on}]"

Notice, that we can access local variables from the enclosing scope. (Of course, we may write the blocks in shorter notation.)

We will define the query in a local variable named q

q = "title:T*"

… and we can use it inside the query block.

s = Tire.search('articles') { query { string q } }

The results: * Two [tags: ruby, python] * Three [tags: java]

s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

Often, we need to access variables or methods defined in the outer scope. To do that, we have to use a slight variation of the DSL.

Let’s assume we have a plain Ruby class, named Article.

class Article

We will define the query in a class method…

  def self.q

… and wrap the Tire search method in another one.

  def self.search

Notice how we pass the search object around as a block argument.

    Tire.search('articles') do |search|

And we pass the query object in a similar matter.

      search.query do |query|

Which means we can access the q class method.

        query.string self.q

We may use any valid Lucene query syntax for the query_string queries.

For debugging our queries, we can display the JSON which is being sent to Elasticsearch.

puts "", "Query:", "-"*80
puts s.to_json

Or better yet, we may display a complete curl command to recreate the request in terminal, so we can see the naked response, tweak request parameters and meditate on problems.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles/_search?pretty=true" \
     -d '{"query":{"query_string":{"query":"title:T*"}}}'
puts "", "Try the query in Curl:", "-"*80
puts s.to_curl


For debugging more complex situations, we can enable logging, so requests and responses will be logged using this curl-friendly format.

Tire.configure do

By default, at the info level, only the curl-format of request and basic information about the response will be logged:

# 2011-04-24 11:34:01:150 [CREATE] ("articles")
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9200/articles"

# 2011-04-24 11:34:01:152 [200]
  logger 'elasticsearch.log'

For debugging, we can switch to the debug level, which will log the complete JSON responses.

That’s very convenient if we want to post a recreation of some problem or solution to the mailing list, IRC channel, etc.

  logger 'elasticsearch.log', :level => 'debug'

Note that we can pass any IO-compatible Ruby object as a logging device.

  logger STDERR


As we have just seen with logging, we can configure various parts of Tire.

Tire.configure do

First of all, we can configure the URL for Elasticsearch.

  url "http://search.example.com"

Second, we may want to wrap the result items in our own class, for instance the Article class set above.

  wrapper Article

Finally, we can reset one or all configuration settings to their defaults.

  reset :url


Complex Searching

Query strings are convenient for simple searches, but we may want to define our queries more expressively, using the Elasticsearch Query DSL.

s = Tire.search('articles') do

Let’s suppose we want to search for articles with specific tags, in our case “ruby” or “python”.

  query do

That’s a great excuse to use a terms query.

    terms :tags, ['ruby', 'python']

The search, as expected, returns three articles, all tagged “ruby” — among other tags:

* Two [tags: ruby, python]
* One [tags: ruby]
* Four [tags: ruby, php]
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

What if we wanted to search for articles tagged both “ruby” and “python”?

s = Tire.search('articles') do
  query do

That’s a great excuse to specify minimum_match for the query.

    terms :tags, ['ruby', 'python'], :minimum_match => 2

The search, as expected, returns one article, tagged with both “ruby” and “python”:

* Two [tags: ruby, python]
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

Boolean Queries

Quite often, we need complex queries with boolean logic. Instead of composing long query strings such as tags:ruby OR tags:java AND NOT tags:python, we can use the bool query.

s = Tire.search('articles') do
  query do

In Tire, we can build bool queries declaratively, as usual.

    boolean do

Let’s define a should (OR) query for ruby,

      should   { string 'tags:ruby' }

as well as for java,

      should   { string 'tags:java' }

while defining a must_not (AND NOT) query for python.

      must_not { string 'tags:python' }

The search returns these documents:

* One [tags: ruby]
* Three [tags: java]
* Four [tags: ruby, php]
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

The best thing about boolean queries is that we can very easily save these partial queries as Ruby blocks, to mix and reuse them later, since we can call the boolean method multiple times.

Let’s define the query for the tags property,

tags_query = lambda do |boolean|
  boolean.should { string 'tags:ruby' }
  boolean.should { string 'tags:java' }

… and a query for the published_on property.

published_on_query = lambda do |boolean|
  boolean.must   { string 'published_on:[2011-01-01 TO 2011-01-02]' }

Now, we can use the tags_query on its own.

Tire.search('articles') { query { boolean &tags_query } }

Or, we can combine it with the published_on query.

Tire.search('articles') do
  query do
    boolean &tags_query
    boolean &published_on_query

Elasticsearch supports many types of queries.

Eventually, Tire will support all of them. So far, only these are supported:

Elasticsearch makes it trivial to retrieve complex aggregated data from our index/database, so called facets.

Let’s say we want to display article counts for every tag in the database. For that, we’ll use a terms facet.

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

We will search for articles whose title begins with letter “T”,

  query { string 'title:T*' }

and retrieve the counts “bucketed” by tags.

  facet 'tags' do
    terms :tags

As we see, our query has found two articles, and if you recall our articles from above, Two is tagged with “ruby” and “python”, while Three is tagged with “java”.

Found 2 articles: Three, Two

The counts shouldn’t surprise us:

Counts by tag:
ruby       1
python     1
java       1
puts "Found #{s.results.count} articles: #{s.results.map(&:title).join(', ')}"
puts "Counts by tag:", "-"*25
s.results.facets['tags']['terms'].each do |f|
  puts "#{f['term'].ljust(10)} #{f['count']}"

These counts are based on the scope of our current query. What if we wanted to display aggregated counts by tags across the whole database?

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

Let’s repeat the search for “T”…

  query { string 'title:T*' }

  facet 'global-tags', :global => true do

…but set the global scope for the facet in this case.

    terms :tags

We can even combine facets scoped to the current query with globally scoped facets — we’ll just use a different name.

  facet 'current-tags' do
    terms :tags

Aggregated results for the current query are the same as previously:

Current query facets:
ruby       1
python     1
java       1
puts "Current query facets:", "-"*25
s.results.facets['current-tags']['terms'].each do |f|
  puts "#{f['term'].ljust(10)} #{f['count']}"

On the other hand, aggregated results for the global scope include also tags for articles not matched by the query, such as “java” or “php”:

Global facets:
ruby       3
python     1
php        1
java       1
puts "Global facets:", "-"*25
s.results.facets['global-tags']['terms'].each do |f|
  puts "#{f['term'].ljust(10)} #{f['count']}"

Elasticsearch supports many advanced types of facets, such as those for computing statistics or geographical distance.

Eventually, Tire will support all of them. So far, only these are supported:

We have seen that Elasticsearch facets enable us to fetch complex aggregations from our data.

They are frequently used for another feature, „faceted navigation“. We can be combine query and facets with filters, so the returned documents are restricted by certain criteria — for example to a specific category —, but the aggregation calculations are still based on the original query.

So, let’s make our search a bit more complex. Let’s search for articles whose titles begin with letter “T”, again, but filter the results, so only the articles tagged “ruby” are returned.

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

We will use just the same query as before.

  query { string 'title:T*' }

But we will add a terms filter based on tags.

  filter :terms, :tags => ['ruby']

And, of course, our facet definition.

  facet('tags') { terms :tags }


We see that only the article Two (tagged “ruby” and “python”) is returned, not the article Three (tagged “java”):

* Two [tags: ruby, python]
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } [tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}]"

The count for article Three’s tags, “java”, on the other hand, is in fact included:

Counts by tag:
ruby       1
python     1
java       1
puts "Counts by tag:", "-"*25
s.results.facets['tags']['terms'].each do |f|
  puts "#{f['term'].ljust(10)} #{f['count']}"


By default, the results are sorted according to their relevancy.

s = Tire.search('articles') { query { string 'tags:ruby' } }

s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } " +
       "[tags: #{document.tags.join(', ')}; " +

The score is available as the _score property.

       "score: #{document._score}]"

The results:

* One [tags: ruby; score: 0.30685282]
* Four [tags: ruby, php; score: 0.19178301]
* Two [tags: ruby, python; score: 0.19178301]

But, what if we want to sort the results based on some other criteria, such as published date or product price? We can do that.

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

We will search for articles tagged “ruby”, again, …

  query { string 'tags:ruby' }

… but will sort them by their title, in descending order.

  sort { by :title, 'desc' }

The results:

* Two
* One
* Four
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title }"

Of course, it’s possible to combine more fields in the sorting definition.

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

We will just get all articles in this case.

  query { all }

  sort do

We will sort the results by their published_on property in ascending order (the default),

    by :published_on

and by their title property, in descending order.

    by :title, 'desc'

The results:

* One         (Published on: 2011-01-01)
* Two         (Published on: 2011-01-02)
* Three       (Published on: 2011-01-02)
* Four        (Published on: 2011-01-03)
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title.ljust(10) }  (Published on: #{ document.published_on })"

Nested Documents and Queries

Often, we want to store more complex entities in Elasticsearch; for example, we may want to store the information about comments for each article, and then search for articles where a certain person left a certain note.

In the simplest case, we can store the comments as an Array of JSON documents in the article document. If we do that naively, our search results will be incorrect, though. That’s because a match in just one field will be enough to match a document. We need to query parts of the document as if they were separate entities.

Elasticsearch provides a specific nested field type and query for working with “embedded” documents like these.

So, let’s update the mapping for the index first, adding the comments property as a nested type:

Tire::Configuration.client.put Tire.index('articles').url+'/article/_mapping',
                               { :article => { :properties => { :comments => { :type => 'nested' } } } }.to_json

And let’s add comments to articles (notice that both articles contain a comment with the Cool! message, though by different authors):

Tire.index 'articles' do
  update :article, 1,
         :doc => { :comments => [ { :author => 'John', :message => 'Great!' }, { :author => 'Bob', :message => 'Cool!' } ]   }
  update :article, 2,
         :doc => { :comments => [ { :author => 'John', :message => 'Cool!' }, { :author => 'Mary', :message => 'Thanks!' } ] }

We’ll use the nested query to search for articles where John left a “Cool” message:

s = Tire.search 'articles' do
  query do
    nested :path => 'comments' do
      query do
        match 'comments.author',  'John'
        match 'comments.message', 'cool'

The results contain just the second document, correctly:

* Two (comments: 2)
s.results.each do |document|
  puts "* #{ document.title } (comments: #{document.comments.size})"


Often, we want to highlight the snippets matching our query in the displayed results. Elasticsearch provides rich highlighting features, and Tire makes them trivial to use.

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

Let’s search for documents containing word “Two” in their titles,

  query { string 'title:Two' }

and instruct Elasticsearch to highlight relevant snippets.

  highlight :title

The results: Title: Two; Highlighted: Two

s.results.each do |document|
  puts "Title: #{ document.title }; Highlighted: #{document.highlight.title}"

We can configure many options for highlighting, such as:

s = Tire.search 'articles' do
  query { string 'title:Two' }

• specify the fields to highlight

  highlight :title, :body

• specify their individual options

  highlight :title, :body => { :number_of_fragments => 0 }

• or specify global highlighting options, such as the wrapper tag

  highlight :title, :body, :options => { :tag => '<strong class="highlight">' }


Elasticsearch suggest feature suggests similar terms based on user input. You can specify either the term or phrase suggester in the Tire DSL, or use the completion suggester to get fast completions of user inputs, suitable for auto-complete and instant search features.

Suggestion API is available either as standalone method or part of the search request.

To get search suggestions while doing a search, call the suggest API

s = Tire.search 'articles' do

To define a suggest using the term suggester, first provide a custom name for the suggest.

  suggest :suggest_title do

Specify the input text.

    text 'thrree blind mice'

Then, define the field you want to use for suggestions and any options.

    term :title, size: 3, sort: 'frequency'

To define a suggest using the phrase suggest, use a different name.

  suggest :phrase_suggest_title do

Specify the text input text.

    text 'thrree blind mice'

Again, define the field you want to use for suggestions and any options.

    phrase :title, size: 3 do

Optinally, configure the smoothing option…

      smoothing :stupid_backoff, discount: 0.5

…or the generator option.

      generator :title, min_word_len: 1

The results will be available in the suggestions property (which is iterable)

s.results.suggestions.each do |name, options|
  puts "Suggestion returned for #{name}:\n"
  options.each do |option|
    puts "* Raw result: #{option}"

You can also use helper methods available in suggestions results to get only the suggested terms or phrases.

puts "Available corrections for suggest_title: #{s.results.suggestions.texts(:suggest_title).join(', ')}"

You can use the standalone API to achieve the same result:

s = Tire.suggest('articles') do

Notice that for standalone API, the block method is suggestion rather than suggest:

  suggestion :term_suggest do
    text 'thrree'
    term :title, size: 3, sort: 'frequency'


You’ll get the same object as above but as top level object

puts "Available corrections: #{s.results.texts.join(', ')}"


In order to use Elasticsearch completion you’ll need to update your mappings to provide a field with completion type. The example is adapted from this blog post.

index = Tire.index('hotels') do

Notice the type completion for the field name_suggest:

  create :mappings => {
      :hotel => {
          :properties => {
              :name => {:type => 'string'},
              :city => {:type => 'string'},
              :name_suggest => {:type => 'completion'}

Let’s add some documents into this index:

             {:id => '1', :type => 'hotel', :name => 'Mercure Hotel Munich', :city => 'Munich', :name_suggest => 'Mercure Hotel Munich'},
             {:id => '2', :type => 'hotel', :name => 'Hotel Monaco', :city => 'Munich', :name_suggest => 'Hotel Monaco'},


We can ask for all hotels starting with a given prefix (such as “m”) with this query:

s = Tire.suggest('hotels') do
  suggestion 'complete' do
    text 'm'
    completion 'name_suggest'

And retrieve results as above with the same object:

puts "There are #{s.results.texts.size} hotels starting with m:"
s.results.texts.each do |hotel|
  puts "* #{hotel}"

You can use some advanced features of completion such as multiple inputs and unified output for the same document.

If you add a document which has inputs and output values for the suggest field:

index.store({:id => '1', :type => 'hotel', :name => 'Mercure Hotel Munich', :city => 'Munich',
             :name_suggest => {:input => ['Mercure Hotel Munich', 'Mercure Munich'], :output => 'Hotel Mercure'}})
index.store({:id => '2', :type => 'hotel', :name => 'Hotel Monaco', :city => 'Munich',
             :name_suggest => {:input => ['Monaco Munich', 'Hotel Monaco'], :output => 'Hotel Monaco'}})

… a completion request with the same input as above …

s = Tire.suggest('hotels') do
  suggestion 'complete' do
    text 'm'
    completion 'name_suggest'

… will match multiple inputs for the same document and return unified output in results:

puts "There are #{s.results.texts.size} hotels starting with m:"
s.results.texts.each do |hotel|
  puts "* #{hotel}"


Elasticsearch comes with one very interesting, and rather unique feature: percolation.

It works in a „reverse search“ manner to regular search workflow of adding documents to the index and then querying them. Percolation allows us to register a query, and ask if a specific document matches it, either on demand, or immediately as the document is being indexed.

Let’s review an example for an index named weather. We will register three queries for percolation against this index.

index = Tire.index('weather') do

First, a query named warning,

  register_percolator_query('warning', :tags => ['warning']) { string 'warning OR severe OR extreme' }

a query named tsunami,

  register_percolator_query('tsunami', :tags => ['tsunami']) { string 'tsunami' }

and a query named floods.

  register_percolator_query('floods',  :tags => ['floods'])  { string 'flood*' }


Notice, that we have added a tags field to the query document, because it behaves just like any other document in Elasticsearch.

We will refresh the _percolator index for immediate access.


Now, let’s percolate a document containing some trigger words against all registered queries.

matches = index.percolate(:message => '[Warning] Extreme flooding expected after tsunami wave.')

The result will contain, unsurprisingly, names of all the three registered queries:

Matching queries: ["floods", "tsunami", "warning"]
puts "Matching queries: " + matches.inspect

We can filter the executed queries with a regular Elasticsearch query passed as a block to the percolate method.

matches = index.percolate(:message => '[Warning] Extreme flooding expected after tsunami wave.') do

Let’s use a terms query against the tags field.

            term :tags, 'tsunami'

In this case, the result will contain only the name of the “tsunami” query.

Matching queries: ["tsunami"]
puts "Matching queries: " + matches.inspect

What if we percolate another document, without the “tsunami” trigger word?

matches = index.percolate(:message => '[Warning] Extreme temperatures expected.') { term :tags, 'tsunami' }

As expected, we will get an empty array:

Matching queries: []
puts "Matching queries: " + matches.inspect

Well, that’s of course immensely useful for real-time search systems. But, there’s more. We can percolate a document at the same time it is being stored in the index, getting back a list of matching queries.

Let’s store a document with some trigger words in the index, and mark it for percolation.

response = index.store( { :message => '[Warning] Severe floods expected after tsunami wave.' },
                        { :percolate => true } )

We will get the names of all matching queries in response.

Matching queries: ["floods", "tsunami", "warning"]
puts "Matching queries: " + response['matches'].inspect

As with the percolate example, we can filter the executed queries.

response = index.store( { :message => '[Warning] Severe floods expected after tsunami wave.' },

Let’s use a simple string query for the “tsunami” tag.

                        { :percolate => 'tags:tsunami' } )

Unsurprisingly, the response will contain just the name of the “tsunami” query.

Matching queries: ["tsunami"]
puts "Matching queries: " + response['matches'].inspect

ActiveModel Integration

As you can see, Tire supports the main features of Elasticsearch in Ruby.

It allows you to create and delete indices, add documents, search them, retrieve the facets, highlight the results, and comes with a usable logging facility.

Of course, the holy grail of any search library is easy, painless integration with your Ruby classes, and, most importantly, with ActiveRecord/ActiveModel classes.

Please, check out the README file for instructions how to include Tire-based search in your models..

Send any feedback via Github issues, or ask questions in the #elasticsearch IRC channel.