Redis Twitter Example

An Executable Tutorial

This file contains a tutorial explaining core concepts of the Redis database, dressed as a fully working bash script. All the words in UPPERCASE are Redis built-in commands. All the words in lowercase are parameters for those commands. The redis-cli binary is aliased as % throughout the script.

The tutorial implements a much simplified Twitter “clone”, loosely based on the now classic TwitterAlikeExample by @antirez.

You may copy and paste snippets from this file, or run it directly:

$ bash

The full source code for this tutorial is available at

First, let’s create some aliases for better code readability:

shopt    -s expand_aliases

to get current time,

alias    t="date +%H:%M"

to define the Redis database used,

export   db="13"

to simplify using the redis-cli command,

alias    %="redis-cli -n $db"

and to simplify displaying notices in the terminal.

function  + () { echo; echo -e "# \033[1m$@\033[0m"; for i in {1..60}; do echo -n '‾'; done; echo; }

Second, let’s wipe the selected Redis database clean.


OK. We’re ready to add some users to our “twitter”. We will use a set for storing users.

+ "Let's add some users, A and B"
% SADD users A
% SADD users B

Let’s make user A follow user B. We will use a set for storing the relationship, again. Notice it’s the first place where we denormalize the data, storing both sides of the relationship in separate sets.

+ "User A follows user B"
% SADD users:A:following B
% SADD users:B:followers A

We will add another user, C.

+ "Let's add another user, C"
% SADD users C

B is quite popular, so C will follow him as well.

+ "User C follows user B"
% SADD users:C:following B
% SADD users:B:followers C

A follows nearly everybody, so let him follow C.

+ "User A follows user C"
% SADD users:A:following C
% SADD users:C:followers A

Now, let’s have a look at the relationships we have here. We can see A is really not being followed by anyone.

+ "Display A's followers"
% SMEMBERS users:A:followers

B, as said, is quite popular, and is being followed by both A and C.

+ "Display B's followers"
% SMEMBERS users:B:followers

And C is being followwed by A.

+ "Display C's followers"
% SMEMBERS users:C:followers

It’s quite easy to display statistics such as “which users follow A and C” in common:

+ "Who is followed by both A and C?"
% SINTER users:A:following users:C:following

or display those of C’s followers who are not being followed back:

+ "Who is not followed back by C?"
% SDIFF users:C:followers users:C:following

OK, it’s time for B to tweet something. We’ll be storing the message in a corresponding variable.

We will store the published time and message body directly in the message itself. (In real world, we would most probably use JSON and not some crazy custom serialization format, obviously.)

message="$(t);Message from B"
+ "B publishes message '$message'"

We will see how “query-needs” based schema, often called “denormalization”  in the RDBMS world, really plays here.

We’re optimizing for the maximum read performance.

First, we have to push the message to the global timeline, possibly displayed on the “twitter” homepage. We will use a Redis list for storing the tweets: that will allow us to efficiently get parts of the list, trim its size when needed, and the messages will be automatically ordered by the time of publication.

% LPUSH global:timeline "$message"

Second, we will push the message to the B’s own timeline.

% LPUSH users:B:timeline "$message"

And, most importantly, third, we have to push the message into the timeline, or “inbox” of every user following B, which is A and C in our case. This will be a bit more tricky.

First, we have to get a list of all followers of B.

% SMEMBERS users:B:followers | \

Then, we have to iterate over this list, and push B’s message into the timeline of each relevant user.

while read u; do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$message"

Now, let C tweet something, as well.

message="$(t);Message from C"
+ "C publishes message '$message'"

We have to run through the loop once again:

1) push the message to the global timeline,

% LPUSH global:timeline "$message"

2) push the message to C’s own timeline,

% LPUSH users:C:timeline "$message"

3) and push the message to C’s followers timelines

% SMEMBERS users:C:followers | \
while read u; do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$message"

Finally, let A tweet something as well. We know the drill, by now.

message="$(t);Message from A"
+ "A publishes message '$message'"

We have to push the message to:

1) the global timeline,

% LPUSH global:timeline "$message"

2) A’s own timeline,

% LPUSH users:A:timeline "$message"

3) all A’s followers timeline (empty in this case).

% SMEMBERS users:A:followers | \
while read u; do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$message"

Now would be a good time to display some tweets.

 Let’s display A’s timeline, trimming it to 10 messages. We can see it contains three tweets: from A himself, C, and B, in the reversed order they were published, effectively making it a LIFO queue.

+ "A's timeline:"
% LRANGE users:A:timeline 0 9

How does B’s timeline look like? It contains just his own tweet.

+ "B's timeline:"
% LRANGE users:B:timeline 0 9

And C’s timeline? It contains his own tweet, first, and an earlier tweet from B, second.

+ "C's timeline:"
% LRANGE users:C:timeline 0 9

We can just as easily display the global timeline, trimming it to just the single last tweet from A.

+ "Global timeline (last message):"
% LRANGE global:timeline 0 0

Of course, we are esentially duplicating the same message in all the user timelines. This way, we would eat out RAM very quickly. How much memory does our “twitter” use now?

+ "Memory usage:"
% info | 'grep' "used_memory_human"

We can de-duplicate the messages by storing them by ID, and storing only those IDs in user timelines, instead of full messages. Let’s have a shot at that.

OK, let’s clear everything first.


Now, let’s add some users, again, this time in batch.

+ "Adding users A, B and C"
% SADD users A B C

Let’s add the relationships:

  • A follows B and C
  • C follows B
  • B does not follow anybody
+ "User A follows user B and C"
% SADD users:A:following B C
% SADD users:B:followers A
% SADD users:C:followers A
+ "User C follows user B"
% SADD users:C:following B
% SADD users:B:followers C

Let B tweet something, again.

message="$(t);Message from B"

We will store every tweet under a separate key, with a unique ID.

We’ll get a unique, “auto-incrementing” ID from Redis, saving it in a $id variable.

id="$( % INCR tweets:next_id )"
+ "B publishes message '$message' with ID '$id'"

Let’s store the message content under a separate key, using the ID.

% SET tweets:$id "$message"

Can we get it back? Sure thing.

% GET tweets:1

Now, we have to push the ID to all the timelines, as in the previous implementation:

the global timeline,

% LPUSH global:timeline $id

B’s own timeline,

% LPUSH users:B:timeline $id

all the B’s followers timelines.

% SMEMBERS users:B:followers | \
while read u; do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$id"

We should now have the tweet ID stored in all relevant timelines.

Let’s have a look at the global one:

+ "Global timeline (IDs):"
% LRANGE global:timeline 0 -1

We get back only the IDs. When we want to retrieve the messages itself, we have to fetch them from the relevant keys:

+ "Global timeline (messages):"

We will simply replace every numeric ID with the corresponding key in the form tweets:<ID>

tweet_ids=$( % LRANGE global:timeline 0 9 | sed 's/^/tweets:/' )

… and feed it to the MGET command.

% MGET $tweet_ids

Now, let C tweet something, again.

We need to get some ID.

id="$( % INCR tweets:next_id )"

We’ll store the message content under a separate key, again.

message="$(t);Message from C"
+ "C publishes message '$message' with ID '$id'"
% SET tweets:$id "$message"

Now, we have to push the ID to all the relevant timelines, again:

the global timeline,

% LPUSH global:timeline $id

C’s own timeline,

% LPUSH users:C:timeline $id

and all the C’s followers timelines.

% SMEMBERS users:C:followers | \
while read u; do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$id"

And finally, let’s repeat everything for A as well:

  1. Getting the unique ID
  2. Storing the message
  3. Pushing it to the global timeline
  4. Pushing it to the author’s timeline
  5. Pushing it to the author followers' timelines
id="$( % INCR tweets:next_id )"
message="$(t);Message from A"
+ "A publishes message '$message' with ID '$id'"

% SET tweets:$id "$message"

% LPUSH global:timeline $id

% LPUSH users:A:timeline $id

% SMEMBERS users:A:followers | \
while read u;do
  % LPUSH users:$u:timeline "$id"

 Now would be a good time to display the timelines, again.

Note, that we cannot simply pull messages from the timelines, since we are storing only IDs. We have to feed the fetched IDs to the MGET command, as we'va seen a while ago.

A’s timeline.

+ "A's timeline:"
% MGET $( % LRANGE users:A:timeline 0 9 | sed 's/^/tweets:/' )

B’s timeline.

+ "B's timeline:"
% MGET $( % LRANGE users:B:timeline 0 9 | sed 's/^/tweets:/' )

C’s timeline.

+ "C's timeline:"
% MGET $( % LRANGE users:C:timeline 0 9 | sed 's/^/tweets:/' )

The global timeline.

+ "Global timeline:"
% MGET $( % LRANGE global:timeline 0 9 | sed 's/^/tweets:/' ) 

How does our RAM usage look now? You can see it’s actually larger then in the previous case, most probably because we’re using a slightly larger pool of keys now. There’s no free lunch in computer science.

+ "Memory usage:"
% info | 'grep' "used_memory_human"

You may wonder, now, how we display the count of tweets authored by a specific user, for instance. Actually, there’s no way to do that.

One solution would be to continue with the simple “query-based” schema, and just keep track of counts manually, in a counter such as users:A:tweets:count.

Another solution would be to use a sorted set for user’s own tweets, one set per user, using timestamp as the score.

Naturally, we would want to keep the “query-based” perspective when modelling the data, so we would store the messages (or their IDS) in additional user “inboxes” anyway. If we’d use sorted sets instead of lists, it would allow us interesting operations, such as intersections of their timelines, eg. “display timelines of all your followers”.

The thing to keep in mind at all times is that we don’t have any efficient technique to query data based on value. There’s no SELECT … WHERE column = ‘something’.

As you may know, a “traditional database” uses an index on this column to be able to efficiently perform such query, without doing a full table scan.

In fact, our “de-normalized” data are just indices in the traditional database sense. We’re managing these indices manually, and deciding upon their design and implementation ourselves. While absolutely transparent to us, it obviously involves a lot of “manual” labor. It depends on your point of view, your values and tastes, your education and experience, and your application domain, if you scream with joy or sorrow upon hearing that.